CCTC project on the home straight after 3.5 years of successful prototyping
Where the cross-sectoral prototyping journey ends and the future begins: CTCC creative broker network.
Public online event: Tuesday, 12th of January 2021, 09.00-12.00 CET
Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CTCC Consortium will be able to present their findings in a digital format. The main project achievements are the following:
- 34 implemented innovation pilots with traditional industry SME’s in the frame of Creative Auditing Process and Cross-Innovation Prototyping: products, services, organizational and business models,
- comprehensive Creative Broker Network and Creative Brokering Tools: Creative Auditing for innovation development in SME’s, Creative Brokering Platform with future capacity-building and exploitation actions,
- added value for the Participating Regions and capacity-building in Cross-Sectoral Collaboration,
- future insights towards Design and Creativity-Driven Innovation.